So I was sitting on Facebook wondering about what to write about on my blog today (because I haven't gotten any suggestions yet, please fix that soon you guys :P). I figured that the best way to come up with an idea is to see what all the members of my network are considering post-worthy. Because after all, a blog is just like a giant Facebook post, right? (Okay, maybe not really.)
I started seeing a ton of posts pop up about people's frustration with their Zodiac signs. Status messages stating "Uh, NO. Screw that, I'm not going to adopt a new Zodiac sign," seemed to come out of nowhere from a lot of friends. And I'm not talking about just my sorority sisters, or just my WoW friends, or just my family friends. I'm talking about a lot of different groups of my friends. So what exactly happened?
Well, apparently today a lot of online news sources (KTLA, Boston Globe, LA Times, etc) posted articles regarding a change in the Zodiac, which will add a 13th symbol into the rotation, which is named Ophiuchus. Ophi--whaa? Yeah, Ophiuchus, which apparently represents a healer interested in medicine. The new symbol will squeeze its way into the date range of November 29 to December 17. This means that the entire cycle of symbols has been shifted, changing many people's zodiac signs. Load of people are obviously outraged about this, as I'm sure has been publicized not only on my Facebook news feeds but on many others. One website states that many of us are likely to be screwed over by this change, as we may have tattoos, heirlooms, or other items that are associated with our symbol. After all, the Zodiac signs have been a way for us to figure out what's going to happen to us on any given day (horoscopes), figure out if another person is "the one" based on what sign they are, or to justify the way we act around other people.
See, I may be less sympathetic because my Sagittarius sign did not change, but I'm going to elaborate on why I think all this hubbub is a load of, as my grandfather would say, heifer hockey. Let's take a look at some of the ways we've depended on the Zodiac signs in the past:
"Every day I look at my horoscope to give me a preview of what my day is going to be like."
Millions, nay, billions of people look at their horoscope whether it be on Facebook or those little scrolls you pick up at a liquor store to figure out what their sign says about what's going to happen to them that day. After the loss of a significant other, the horoscope will say "After recent sorrows, things will look better soon." Similarly, after a promotion, a reader may look back at their horoscope, shocked and amazed, because it read, "The planet _____ signifies success in your near future." Magic, right? But come ON. Have you actually read any of the OTHER signs horoscopes? If you look closely, they are written so vaguely that anyone, anywhere feels they can relate to the information given. The "recent sorrows" could be the death of a family member, loss of a phone, or even the gain of a pound. "Success" could be related to a new relationship, a good grade in a class, or finding a quarter on the ground. All I'm saying is, no matter what your Zodiac sign is, you'll find something you can relate to in your designated horoscope of the day.
"My Zodiac sign is the way I know if I'll be compatible with a possible partner."
Ever had a friend tell you, "Oh, I KNOW that guy I've been dating for three weeks in the one because we have compatible Zodiac signs!"? How long did the relationship last? Yeah, that's what I thought. Probably not long, because the boyfriend or girlfriend caught on that the person they were dating were putting their trust in the Zodiac more than in the person themself. Sure, you can meet someone at the bar and think, "Wow, he's a Taurus, so we must go good together." and it may go great! But then these news articles come out and you find out you're REALLY incompatible. Does this mean you should break off the relationship? Nah. Or maybe your crush's new Zodiac sign says you're the perfect match. Does this mean you should start planning your wedding? I wouldn't hold my breath.
"My old Zodiac sign totally describes who I am, and my new one doesn't describe me at all."
Along with each sign there's a little description as to what the people with that sign are like. As I mentioned above, the new sign, Ophiuchus represents healers interested in medicine. Capricorns are supposed to be pragmatic and prudent. I can tell you right now that I knew a Capricorn before the change that was neither pragmatic or prudent. At the same time, I can tell you that this person's new sign (which describes them as adventurous and passionate), doesn't fit the bill either. If you've known a person whose sign described them as "confident and enjoys solitude," and their sign changed, it could be that the person is just an arrogant hermit. If you've been fun-loving all your life, and your new sign tells you you should be "serene," does that mean you need to be boring? No! Give more precedence to what's practical and enjoyable as opposed to what's expected just because of what constellation you were born under.
I hope I haven't bored you, but seriously. Does our sign (whether it's changed or not) REALLY matter? I'd hope that answer is no.
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