Monday, January 17, 2011

WoW Thoughts: Vashj'ir

Alright so here's the first of one of my posts that going to be focused on World of Warcraft. This past week I finally got my priest to 80 so I could start the Cataclysm content (woohoo!). I decided to take the less-taken route and go to Vashj'ir first to quest. From what I've heard, most people to go to Mount Hyjal first because it's a bit easier and more lore-filled.

I gotta say, when I first got to Vashj'ir, I was pretty shocked by how hard it was going to be to adjust to questing underwater. Now, as I'm almost done with the quest achievement for the zone, I've found it surprisingly easy to get used to. I even like the fact that you're constantly swimming because you almost never have to travel around looking for stairs when you're looking for a quest-giver. Just swim up and around! Granted, when you first get to Kelpthar Forest the mobs are so concentrated together it's hard to get anywhere without having to kill a couple mobs first. Also, it's kind of pain at first to kill them since they're HP pool is much bigger than the mobs in Northrend, but it'll get better once you start getting the Cataclysm gear, whether it's from instances or just from quest rewards.

There are also a couple other good things about this zone. I mean, come on, can anyone say FREE MOUNT? I wish all mount quests were like that! Also, the achievement from the Visions from the Past questline is pretty easy to get. Overall, Vashj'ir is growing on me. I'll only be able to go there once on each toon, and never go back again, but at least I won't HATE it while I'm there. :]

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